i won't put any bands my sister's heard of unless i introduced her to them
Destroy Boys
- officially my favorite band
- punk rock out of california
- favorite songs: Muzzle, Escape, Fences
- their website
- my newest rec
- more punk rock out of california
- beware of (or await) the screechy bits at the end of the songs
- favorite songs: 1994, I Can Dream The Rest Away, Maggot
- their bandcamp
Space Cadets
- psychedelic rock from italy
- ever wanted to listen to a bunch of space-themed songs about existence?
- favorite songs: The Girl from Ganymede, Parallax
- their website
Scary Bitches
- my favorite comedy deathrock
- very obviously out of the uk
- the origin of lesbian vampyres from outer space. i'd heard of that way before i found them
- favorite songs: Piss All Over Your Grave, Strange Child, and of course Lesbian Vampyres From Outer Space
- they have a facebook page but i'm not linking that shit look it up yourself
Cayley Spivey
Scene Queen
Against Me!